Phase 2 of the COVID-19 vaccine will include those suffering from underlying disease. Find out if you qualify with a heart and lung scan
The Benefits Of A Preventive Scan
Awareness and early detection of disease is a powerful resource. Preventive scans can give you information about what is going on inside your body before outward symptoms appear and can literally mean the difference between living and dying. These underlying diseases can lead to a weakened immune system and cause you to be more susceptible to other diseases. By knowing … Read More
How Chronic Stress Affects Your Health
Short-lived feelings of stress are a regular part of daily life. However, when these feelings become chronic, or long-lasting, they can severely impact a person’s health. What is Stress? Stress is a natural occurrence in your body. It alerts you of certain dangers and produces the fight or flight effect. It can also enhance your performance by releasing adrenal glands … Read More
What is your Heart Score?
What Does Your Heart Score Say About Your Health Your heart score, also known as your coronary calcium score, can give great insight into your heart health and your chance of forming Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). Knowing your heart score can give you great insight into your personal health. Your score could also give you valuable tips on what your … Read More
8 Myths About Cancer
What causes cancer and what is just a myth? These days it can be difficult to tell the difference as nearly everything, from cell phones to foods, has someone telling you it causes extreme side effects like cancer. So how do you distinguish the difference? We have taken 8 of the top asked questions to help debunk popular cancer myths. … Read More